Quick user guide

Quick user guide

Operation guide for ONEbox.micro, ONEbox.mini, ONEbox.cube.

Home page

Optical input
TV, CD or BluRay player, 2.0/5.1 sound source


DLNA wireless streaming
Android phone, NAS, WIN10 audio streaming


AirPlay wireless streaming
iPhone and MacBook WiFi audio streaming


USB audio input
WIN, iMac, Set-top-box, Game console connection


Local music server
4~32G USB ram plug-in, internal music server


Internet Radio
World wide radio via internet connection


Bluetooth audio
BT dongle plug-in 


Auto input
Smart search for active input and make connection 

Power on/off

Go to Sleep mode
Power all all speakers
ONEbox go to sleep mode, can connect with WiFi


Go to Power off
Power off all speakers and subwoofer
Power off ONEbox, loss WIFi connection
Press ONEbox key to restart(restart time 60S)

Multi-zone & Select play speaker

Select stereo play speaker :

  1. Select speaker group on/off, you can select all speaker group on
  2. Select TV mode speaker on/off
  3. Select stereo play subwoofer on/off. [Local] is LFE output on ONEbox RCA port
  4. Touch to add speaker, only work at standby mode
  5. Touch to test speaker, only work at standby mode

Music file streaming service on home network. ONEbox is DMR (digital media renderer), you should have DMS (digital media server) on your smartphone, notebook or NAS server. Use your smartphone as a DMC (digital media controller) to select song play to ONEbox.
Please install DLNA APPs on your smartphone, recoomanded for Android : HiFi Cast and BubbleUpnP; for iPhone : Sesam Music and Mconnect.

DLNA sound setup page :

  1. Treble level, -7 to +7 level (0.5dB)
  2. Subwoofer level, -7 to +7 level (1dB)
  3. Speaker sound character : Warm, Natural, Clarity, Comfort
  4. Upsampler : Constant, Poly-Phase, Linear, Cubic
  5. Loudness : ON to increase sound clarity at low volume
  6. 2.1 bass effect : Off, Soft, Comfort, Strong

Audio streaming for iPhone/iPad/iMac. Pull up control panel, on top right corner will show AirPlay device icon, click into and select play device to ONEbox. If you use music player iTune, bottom center is AirPlay device icon, clcik into and select play music to ONEbox. 

AirPlay sound setup page :

  1. Speaker sound character : Warm, Natural, Clarity, Comfort
  2. Upsampler : Constant, Poly-Phase, Linear, Cubic
  3. Loudness : ON to increase sound clarity at low volume
  4. 2.1 bass effect : Off, Soft, Comfort, Strong
  5. Play buffer : 0.125S, 0.25S, 0.5S, 1S
    For video watch, use 0.125S to avoid lip un-sync
    In crowded WiFi network, use 1S to avoid audio interruption
    Default setting is 0.25S
Optical – 5.1 surround

Surround 5.1 input from BluRay player, game console,  smart TV with 5.1 movie source. ONEbox can decode Dolby 2.0/5.1, DTS 2.0/5.1 and DTS-HD 5.1. The audio mode display box will show which signal is playing.

Surround sound setup page :

  1. Treble level, -7 to +7 level (0.5dB)
  2. Subwoofer LFE level, -7 to +7 level (1dB)
  3. LFE bass boost : ON to double bass level, enable boost in actiion film will cause singal clipped,  only use in muscial concert or drama film
  4. Surround effect : Theatre, Home, Sharpen
  5. Loudness : ON to increase sound clarity at low volume
  6. Bass filling : Off, Low, High , Auto
    Enable ONEwoofer to play main and center channel mid-low bass
Optical – Stereo

Optical stereo music input from CD player, DAC, streamer (typical 44.1KHz 16/24bit). Upsampling function is included.
From TV LPCM stereo, sound setting will switch to movie mode and virtual 5.1 surround will be enable automatic.

Optical stereo setup page :

  1. Treble level, -7 to +7 level (0.5dB)
  2. Subwoofer level, -7 to +7 level (1dB)
  3. Speaker sound character : Warm, Natural, Clarity, Comfort
  4. Upsampler : Constant, Poly-Phase, Linear, Cubic
  5. Loudness : ON to increase sound clarity at low volume
  6. 2.1 bass effect : Off, Soft, Comfort, Strong
Local music server

Plug 4-32G USB ram in ONEbox USB host port, music file can be played on ONEbox. USB ram should be formatted as FAT (or FAT32 ), song files can be stored at root directory and sub-directory.
To play song, you can use local music server player, or use DLNA mode  and select media library ONEbox server. 

Local server music player function :

  1. Refresh RAM song list
  2. Play, stop, previous, next
  3. Playing song
  4. Play sequence :
    Shuffle play
    Single loop play
    Loop playback
    Single playback
  5. Master volume, touch volume digit can mute audio
  6. Song list
  7. Change song list list, up/down page
Internet radio

Worldwide internet radio via WiFi.

  1. Play/Pause
  2. Master volume control
  3. Edit radio station URL streaming link
  4. List of radio station, touch to select station