ONEdongle is a standard USB audio device, encode and transmit audio to DECT wireless speaker. Simply plug it in iMac and WIN10 USB port and set audio destination to ONEdongle,  unbelievably PC sound will be played on wireless speaker. It can support compact size ONEmicro throughout bookshelf ONEclassic speaker.

MK2 is second generation DECT technology. ONEdonlge MK2 has upgrade to two high speed DSP,  improved power management, enhanced 1.9GHz radio cover 20m range. 

Innovative feature in ONEdongle MK2 is it can support native USB 5.1 audio. You don’t need to install surround audio driver, gurantnee no compatibility issue. From now, watch movie on iMac can hear 5.1 sound, play game on WIN10 can have 5.1 surrounding effect. Plug it in game console PS4/5, Xbox, Switch (with USB 5.1 audio support) can simply build a 5.1 game sound. 

Triple buffering technique can isolate PC drity clock jittering, without induce extra delay. Short latency 0.035S mean no lip sync which is perfect for Youtube, TV watch and game playing.

With use of an adaptor cable, OTG for Android phone or USB lightning (Lighning to USB Camera Adaptor) for iPhone, ONEdongle can connect to your smartphone, stream out smartphone sound to wireless speaker. You can use speaker set outdoor, camping or garden.

HiFi sound, the simplest CAS setup 

ONEdongle is a HiFi design encoder device. Lossless air data ensure every sound detials can deliver to each speaker. Seamless timing control in MK2 version provide a good synchronization to left and right speaker down to 0.000 001S.

Use Groove player on WIN10 or iTune on iOS to play music is good enough to reproduce HiFi sound. You don’t need to take care APP player sound quality becasue ONEdongle will do for you. Don’t spend much money to buy expensive music player !

ONEdongle is design for Youtube watch on Macbook or WIN10 PC. Various type of sound will play on Youtube, what should do is ONEdongle do mininum sound processing to obtain well-balanced sound fit for all kinds of sound nature. OF course, you can select sound timber manually on speaker :

  • Natural  –  natural sound for music play
  • Vivid  –  enrich sound for video watch
  • Vocal  –  sexy and full bodied vocal sound
  • Comfort  –  dialogue listening on Youtube

Subwoofer 2.1 mode ready

Subwoofer add-in is ready for you. After pair up ONEwoofer with ONEdongle, turn on ONEwoofer can auto switch 2.0 mode to 2.1 mode. Subwoofer handover are automatic,  crossover merging parameter are pre-loaded, zero calibration. You can add 2 or more subwoofer as you like.


How to use ONEdongle ?

  • PC speakers, play HiFi quality sound
  • Music server with USB audio output
  • iMac 5.1 movie watch
  • WIN10 5.1 gaming speaker
  • Games console PS, Xbox, Switch 2.1/5.1 game play 
  • TV set-top-box USB speaker with 3D effect
  • Outdoor speaker array, play sound from smartphone
  • Portable PA system, connect up 16 protable speakers

Intelligent PC sound switch

You can always plug ONEdonlge in your notebook without worry about PC sound falsely redirected. When you switch off ONEaudio speaker, ONEdonlge will auto detach from your PC. Then PC sound output will go back to PC speaker. When you turn on ONEaudio speaker, PC sound output will redirect to speakers again.

Supported speaker

Protabel speaker : ONEmicro, ONEmini, ONEmedi 
Bookshelf speaker : ONEclassic, Q-Bass 
Flagship : ONE
Subwoofer : ONEwoofer.6+6, ONEwoofer.8+8
Protable woofer : ONEbass.3+3
Support up to 16 speakers/subwoofers


ONEdongle MK2 specification :

ONEdongle - HD ONEdongle - 5.1
General Size 33 x 18 x 8mm 33 x 18 x 7.5mm
Materials Aluninium + ABS Aluninium + ABS
Colour Black Black
Consumption 5V 70mA 5V 60mA
Audio capability USB stereo ISO 48/24 ISO 48/24
USB 5.1 Not support ISO 48/16
DECT radio Country EU, US, JP, Asian, SA EU, US, JP, Asian, SA
Tx power / range 12dBm / 15m 12dBm / 15m
Channel scan Auto, 10 channels Auto, 10 channels
Audio sound track 3 6
Audio codec Std, HQ, HQ+, HQ++ ECO, Std, HQ
Wireless speaker support 16 16
Support speaker ONEclassic Main Not support
ONEmedi Main Not support
ONEmini Main Main (only ONEmini MK2)
ONEmicro Main, 3D rear Main, Rear, Centre (only ONEmicro MK2)
ONEbass.3+3 Single and stereo L/R woofer Single and stereo L/R woofer
ONEwoofer.6+6 Yes Yes
ONEwoofer.8+8 Yes Yes
Effect & features Speaker sound timber Support Support
2.0 to 2.1 Support Not support in 5.1
Stereo AIR+ 3D Support Support
User memory setting 1 2, stereo and 5.1 mode
Volume control Master volume Linked with main speaker Linked with main speaker
Speaker group volume On each speaker pair On each speaker pair
Subwoofer volume On subwoofer On subwoofer
Left/Right balance On each speaker On each speaker
Connection WIN10 Stereo / 4.1 3D 2.0 / 2.1 / 5.1
iMac / MacBook Stereo / 4.1 3D 2.0 / 2.1 / 5.1
Sony PS4/PS5 Stereo / 4.1 3D 5.1 (need PS5 audio driver)
Nintendo Switch Sterero / 4.1 3D 2.0 / 2.1 / 4.1
XBox Stereo / 4.1 3D 2.0 / 2.1 / 5.1
TV set-top-box Stereo / 4.1 3D 2.0 / 2.1 / 4.1